
by Keith Knight

Tropical Storm AndreaGlobal warming, climate change, is it really that bad.
According to one party, it’s all just a fad
Sure, my kids, or my kids kids have much to fear
But after work today, I’ll be tuning gear
It’s the first week in June and Andrea’s on her way.
Big surf, high winds, what else can I say
Motivated, ready, battle her I will
As long as my body holds up I’ll get my fill.
Andrea, Andrea you are the season’s first storm
Get your stuff ready as this may be the new norm

From iWindsurf Chesapeake extended forecast….

Southerly flow on the rise through Saturday AM; lighter Sunday

A few changes to the extended forecast this morning, although with a tropical system in the mix be sure to watch daily updates. TS Andrea lifts north and merges with a larger, more complex trough on Friday; driving up SSE winds for the Mid Atlantic. Winds ramp up through Saturday morning as the combined system moves into the area. On Sunday the system departs to the northeast and winds fade considerably.

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