We had a great start to the spring racing season with our annual Gerry Brown Memorial Regatta for Cancer Research at Baltimore County Sailing Center. It was a light-wind day for an enthusiastic bunch of long boarders. BCSC Director Eileen Fahrmeier set some marks for and upwind downwind course and we had a Le Mans style start from the beach. The wind was flukey and dying so the crew completed one race and spent the rest of the day free sailing in Hawk Cove. BABA members contributed about $500 to the Sidney Kimmel Center for Cancer Research at Johns Hopkins. Thank you to everyone who contributed and who came out for the event. It was great to see Jack Ames back out on the race course after a long hiatus. Big thanks to our host, Eileen and BCSC. Check out their website and programs for youth and adult sailing. There’s also a week-long windsurfing camp for kids every summer.