Mayo Beach Park in Mayo MD sits right at the mouth of the South River and the Chesapeake Bay on the southern side of the river. You must have a permit to use the Mayo launch. Keep reading for more information.
Best wind direction is SE and S, but East and NE are also great. North, NW and West can be OK but if you break down its a long drift to the east shore. The launch site has a grassy rigging area and sandy beach, lots of parking, bathrooms, showers and picnic benches. The water is shallow for the first 200-300 meters then drops off. The river swell can get very large depending on the tide. 2-3 feet is normal for winds in the 12-18 knot range and it can get significantly larger in higher winds. The swell is the long rolling variety but can get choppy with increased boat traffic. The water on the inside is good for beginners and the outside swell is good enough to loop. This site is good for all levels.
Mayo Wind Permits – a permit is required to use this launch.
Search on key words “Mayo Wind.” If you are requesting a new permit you’ll be mailed a sticker. The combination for the lock, and Mayo Usage Rules will be emailed to you at a later date.
If you don’t receive the combination for the gate lock before you go to Mayo you may or may not be able to gain access. Find a park staff member, show them your permit receipt and ask if they can let you in. DO NOT ask other windsurfers to let you in – this jeopardizes access for everyone because it is strictly against the rules to share the gate combination.
Keep the gate locked at all times (let yourself in, then immediately lock the gate behind you).
Keep reading for more information on Public Open Days, Summer Access etc….