Hatteras Calling – Still a Few Spaces Available!

by Coby Leydenhatteras-lighthouse-2
BABA Hatteras Trip Coordinator

email me!

Fellow Windsurfers,

We still have openings available for our May 7-14 Hatteras Spring Trip.
That’s a bit unusual, as we often fill up by now.

Perhaps it’s the change in dates from April to May.

I know, I know:
it takes a while to adjust the idea of being warm instead of cold,
of having longer days for more time on the water,
of having an even better chance of perfect SW breezes that keep you sailing into the sunset.

But may I suggest to anyone holding out (and You know Who you Are…) that your reticence is misplaced.
This is going to be a fantastic trip, and you don’t want to miss out.

I mean, you joined BABA to windsurf, right? To do more, learn more, enjoy more….it’s a very important part of your life therapy and your therapist (me) is telling you straight out:
“Don’t delay a moment longer.
Life is full of regrets….don’t let this be one of them.”

Make time, come have some fun, and make some memories.
Oh, and this time feel free to invite even your non-windsurfing friends; we’ll offer to make windsurfers out of ’em, but otherwise they’re free to enjoy watching and doing the summer vacation thing at a time when the weather is perfect before the HOT season sets in. (Yes, they’ll have to join BABA. Technically, it’s a members-only trip, and we’re sticking to that.)

Private rooms are $500 for the week
Shared room/den   $250

BABA membership (required) is $20 per year for an individual or family – we don’t discriminate.

It’ll help your therapist (that’s me!) remain sane if you send me an e-mail as soon as you’ve come to your senses and convinced yourself that you deserve a primo windsurfing vacation.  I’ll check our current openings and send you the reservation form and membership form so we can get you on the list for the trip.

email me!

Pass it on….

See you on the water in May.

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