Mayo Peninsula Comments Due Today!

Once again we have received very little notice on this important issue.  

This is the first round of comments regarding the plans for Mayo Beach Park, and 2nd round for Beverly Triton.

Please comment today – all comments are being taken online and I don’t know if there’s a character limit imposed on the comment box.

Plans and links to comment submission page are here:

Please identify yourself with your job title especially if you’re a big shot (LOL!).

Please thank the commission for including wind sports in the planning.

Some issues that I see and have discussed with others:

We need space to park gear – if it’s a windy day and there are lots of kites and ws at the beach, gear parking is  an issue.   We don’t just launch and disappear (hopefully not, anyway).   The little blue circles on the plans are the launch areas, but no “gear parking areas” are clearly identified.  If it’s a windy and very beautiful summer day, there will be lots of swimmers too – even more complicated!

We need to be sure that everyone is SAFE!  Windsurfers and kite boarders often self segregate.  We need to be sure that everyone is safe, including swimmers & picnickers too, however it’s difficult when dealing with people who are not familiar with our sports or our equipment (sails, kites, boards moving around if there’s a gust of wind, kite lines, how much space the gear takes up when it is sitting rigged on the beach).  Keeping swimmers/picnickers segregated from the wind sports area is important too.

My personal observation – I’ve windsurfed in quite a few places abroad, and in every place, kiters, windsurfers and beach goers are kept separate.

Please add your concerns & comments to the facebook thread where you found this post so others can benefit from your observations when composing their comments.

Please comment TODAY!

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