BABA Annual Meeting

Ann Jackson and Mike McCormick hosted the season opener party at their house on the Severn River on March 22.  It was a gorgeous day to take in a view of the water and hang with lots of BABA friends.  We had a brief peek at spring in between the big March snow storm and the following week of snow, record low temperatures and slurpee-like frozen stuff falling from the sky.

About 40 BABA’ns were in attendance to vote on the slate of officers for 2014 (not really, they were all there for the party and sponsor goodies, but we had to take care of club biz first).  For 2014, Daphne Lathouras is chair, Dave Iseri is vice chair, Ann Jackson continues as secretary and Helen Van Gelder continues as treasurer.  All of our Steering Committee members agreed to continue with their BABA jobs:  Janice Emerling – Clinics; Coby Leyden – Hatteras Trips; Ann – Membership; Daphne – Blog and Web and  Dave – Sponsorship.  Members at Large include Bill Anderson, Carsten Boekholt, Fan Pat, Colin Pits, Maureen Pritchard, Albert Pritchard, Mark Raginsky and Fred Thomas.  Mike McCormick, our past chair, joins the Members at Large and will continue to coordinate the Mayo Watersports Fun Fest (and help Ann with her duties, and guide Daphne in her duties as chair),  and Warren Evans is  joining the SC as Member at Large.  Warren is helping coordinate the East Coast Championships Regatta at Mayo in September.  Thank you all for serving BABA!

The Sponsorship Coordinator has  an important role on the Steering Committee and with Dave taking on the added responsibilities of Vice Chair he would love to teach someone the ropes to take it on.  Our sponsors are very generous, it’s not much work and through their support we have many happy BABA members sporting new gear from Dakine and Chinook among others.  Please e-mail Dave if you’d like to help out.  We are also looking for a Racing Coordinator.  For the time being that job is being divided among several people – if you’d like to help with one aspect of one of the regattas to see how it’s done,  please contact Daphne.

We welcome all volunteers for large and small jobs, including writing for this blog.   Please contact any member of the steering committee to get involved and show your stoke for BABA activities.

The BABA Calendar of Events is full for 2014.  Check the website, mark your calendars, and come on out!



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