Mayo Peninsula Comments Due Today!

Once again we have received very little notice on this important issue.  

This is the first round of comments regarding the plans for Mayo Beach Park, and 2nd round for Beverly Triton.

Please comment today – all comments are being taken online and I don’t know if there’s a character limit imposed on the comment box.

Plans and links to comment submission page are here:

Please identify yourself with your job title especially if you’re a big shot (LOL!).

Please thank the commission for including wind sports in the planning.

Some issues that I see and have discussed with others:

We need space to park gear – if it’s a windy day and there are lots of kites and ws at the beach, gear parking is  an issue.   We don’t just launch and disappear (hopefully not, anyway).   The little blue circles on the plans are the launch areas, but no “gear parking areas” are clearly identified.  If it’s a windy and very beautiful summer day, there will be lots of swimmers too – even more complicated!

We need to be sure that everyone is SAFE!  Windsurfers and kite boarders often self segregate.  We need to be sure that everyone is safe, including swimmers & picnickers too, however it’s difficult when dealing with people who are not familiar with our sports or our equipment (sails, kites, boards moving around if there’s a gust of wind, kite lines, how much space the gear takes up when it is sitting rigged on the beach).  Keeping swimmers/picnickers segregated from the wind sports area is important too.

My personal observation – I’ve windsurfed in quite a few places abroad, and in every place, kiters, windsurfers and beach goers are kept separate.

Please add your concerns & comments to the facebook thread where you found this post so others can benefit from your observations when composing their comments.

Please comment TODAY!

Mayo Beach Fun Fest 2016 – It was fun!

by Mike McCormick

On Saturday June 25th BABA teamed up with several other sponsors to hold the 5th Mayo Beach Fun Fest.  The weather couldn’t have been better with low 80 temperatures, a light North Easterly breeze, perfect water temperature and not a jelly fish in sight.

With 21 BABA members attending and 18 other registrants we had a nice size group for the day.  The Taste of Windsurfing class had 12 participants all of whom uphauled, turned the board around and transitioned to sailing position with occasional rapid exits into the water.  It was fun meeting a diverse group of new sailors from Russia, Ukraine, Colombia South America, England, Western Maryland …

Mark Bandy from East of Maui joined us again this year offering free SUP demos and a number of different boards to try.  Many of the participants took advantage of the opportunity and had some fun in the small chop.


This year’s event tested out the new “Car Launch Area #3”, which is South of the Mayo Park Buildings.  The new area worked out just fine with easy drop off by the water, a nice picnic area under trees up the hill and a large grassy area to spread out.  It was also nice being a little closer to the bathrooms.  This is the new car top launch site during Summer Sunday public days at Mayo Beach.

Thanks to all of our co-sponsors who made this event possible:

And a special thanks to the BABA member who volunteered to setup, handle registration, feed us, mix up lots of lemonade and ice tea, provide equipment for on-land and in-the-water windsurfing tastes and in short made it all happen:

  • Ann Jackson and Mike McCormick
  • Dave Iseri
  • Eddie and Uyen Murawski
  • Gordon Wells
  • Helen VanGelder and Bill Anderson
  • Janice Emerling
  • Jon Fleuchaus
  • Maureen and Albert Pritchard
  • Mark Raginsky
  • Mark Storch
  • Warren Evans

After many years as a BABA member, it is still fun to get together with BABA friends and to share our fun sport together and with new enthusiasts.


Mayo Beach – 2016 Watersports Fun Fest

by Mike McCormick

The Mayo Beach 2016 Watersports Fun Fest is planned for June 25th from 11:00 to 3:00. This year marks that 6th annual Watersport Fun Fest at Mayo Beach Park.  This event has been organized by BABA and co-sponsored with East of Maui, Annapolis Community Boating, Outdoor Architects and Anne Arundel County Recreation and Parks.  We have had a lot of fun each year with peak attendance and fun in 2014.

 Mayo Fest 2014

Bring your car-top water craft or just come out for some fun at Mayo Beach Park on the Chesapeake Bay.

  • No charge for park admission or activities
  • Mayo Beach Park is open to the public from 11:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.
  • On-site registration for Watersports Fun Fest activities (see below)
  • Car Top Area #3 – equipment drop off will be provided – parking at top of hill


  •  BYO – car-top water craft
  • Stand UP Paddling – free mini lessons and demo boards available (must be 15 years of age)
  • Windsurfing – “taste of windsurfing” instruction and land-based simulation
  • Sit Down Paddling – kayaking and canoeing – free mini lessons with demo equipment available (must have an adult if under 18)
  • Fun Events – SUP relay race, Windsurfing freestyle and other fun events
  • Picnic – Light food and beverages will be provided.

Note: swimming attire and water shoes are required for safe participation in on-water events.  BYO life jacket if you have one.

Sponsored by:

Onsite Registration:

Register on-site the day of the event for Fun Fest activities.  Due to limited facilities and equipment participation is on a 1st come 1st served basis.

Weather Cancellations

Fun Fest cancellations due to bad weather will be posted to the BABA Blog.


From Annapolis, take MD Route 2 (Solomons Island Road) South (4.5 miles) to MD Route 214 (Central Avenue). Take 214 East (4.4 miles) and turn left on Shoreham Beach Road at Lou’s Store. Stay on Shoreham Beach Road (1 mile) through sharp turns (3 Mayo Beach signs) to Honeysuckle Drive. Turn sharp right and follow Honeysuckle Drive into the Park.

Relax and Chill – Part 5

by Amber, aka Defi Diva

just one more post and the adventure is over – savor the moment…… and in case you still need assistance pronouncing “diva”  (click the link!)  …  ed.

The next day Els and Bart left early on their eleven hour journey home. We talked and plotted our next Defi before they left. I was as usual eager to come back and try again. Chris was too, but he confessed that it might be a couple of years as he would need to save up his pennies again. What?  Isn’t that what credit cards are for?  What if the Tramontane blows again next year and we aren’t here?!!!  But of course… that would potentially always be the case.  Bart mentioned that we should look into flying direct to Belgium next time instead. That way it would be a single flight without changes.  We could even help him drive, and of course we could sample some of Belgium’s finer sailing spots (and beer).

After our goodbyes were said Chris and I again wandered, I have to admit rather leisurely, back to the DEFI Beach.  Out of shear boredom I rigged a 6.5 on Chris’s board and tried to go out and bounce around in the waves, and that is exactly what I did, bounce. Until that is, I turned green and felt as if my morning pain du chocolate was about to revisit me. See, one of the reasons I enjoy flat water slalom sailing so much is that … well… I get sea sick. I blame my genes as both my brother and I will run for a bucket even at the sight of a swing set. But as nothing was scheduled for the rest of the day I figured I would have time to recover before the evening’s festivities and feast. And besides, after my crazy diet of Camembert and baguettes… I needed an alternate diet plan… In the end, thankfully, nothing came of it. I stood in the waves holding the sail up, waiting for the slightest puff of breeze and alas there was nothing… nothing at all. So I sloshed back to the beach, where Chris stood nonjudgementally (even though he told me it was not going to amount to anything) but still smiled at my lame attempt. I was desperate… what can I say?

Defi Diva looking for a wind fix
Defi Diva looking for a wind fix.

Relax and Chill – Part 4

by Amber, aka Defi Diva

sorry dear readers to have left you in the lurch…. welcome back! (ed.)

I have found in my life that the path I have been given to follow is lined with amazing people. And when the way is challenging, all I have to do is look up and someone special will be standing by my side to lend a hand, a shoulder, or a word. That again became readily apparent this DEFI.  

Els and I were sitting at the picnic table taking in the scene when one of the announcers began speaking to the audience in French. It went on for a bit and Els’s eyes grew wide. “What is he saying?” “Just wait you will find out”, she replied.  All of a sudden he was calling my name and asking for me to come up front. Confused and embarrassed as to what was happening, I went dutifully to the stage.  After he asked me a few questions about myself for the audience, he then told everyone about my board situation. I briefly explained what happened and then he announced that Francisco Goya had graciously offered me the use of one of his racing boards for the event. Wow!!!! So cool!!!! What an amazing and kind thing to do! It turns out that Bart and Chris had mentioned my crushed board to Goya during their fan encounter with him (see Relax and Chill – Part 2). So with the usual windsurfer’s generosity Goya made sure that if the situation arose (and the wind came up) I would not be without a board.  And while I never had the opportunity to take him up on his offer, I will forever be a huge Goya fan.

Bart, Francisco Goya, Amber & Chris
Bart, Francisco Goya, Amber & Chris

Relax and Chill, Part 3

by Amber, aka Defi Diva (have you been practicing – saying it just right – every time you open a new blog post…. d’FEE dee-VAH! )

The next day we again took our time getting up and moving.  Bart had recommended that I bring my smashed board to L’Oc Surf shop to see what they thought about the damage. “Maybe it can be repaired?”, he offered. “And if not, then at least we will know for sure.” So Bart, Els, and I headed over just after breakfast with the board.  As Els waited with our precariously parked car, Bart and I slipped through the back side of the venue with the board. When I pulled the board out of its bag again, my stomach turned. I loved that board. I had just bought it a new 33″ Hatteras Weed fin for it, and the combination with my Aerotech Phantom made me forget every other love I’ve ever had. The fin floated the board, and I had remarked to Keith McCulloch, the fin designer, that it was like surfing on “hot buttah!” (said in some sort of Jersey/New York accent). The fin disappeared beneath the board, and that had made the Futura float like a magic carpet.

Every windsurfer we passed cringed with horror when they mentally registered the damage.  Some even stopping to touch it along the way with a whistle and head shake. When the owner of the L’oc Surf came out to see what could be done. He too stopped wide eyed in his tracks. While much discussion went on between him and Bart in French, I did catch two important words; Impossible, Finis.  We then retuned home with the board to stash it away. Bart decided he would take it back with him to Belgium.  Maybe someone would like to give it a Steve Austin makeover, or better yet perhaps repurpose it as a object d’ Art coffee table?


Relax and Chill – Part 2

by Amber, aka Defi Divadefi_logo

Els and Bart were there to greet us with big smiles and hearty hugs. Our little beach house was only a couple of blocks away from the little bungalows where we had first met three years earlier, when I had come for my first DEFI adventure. They had already checked in and picked up the keys to the house earlier that day. So when we walked in there on the little coffee tables were three piles of gifts waiting for us. Two piles were labeled ‘Chris’ and ‘Amber’ while the third was labeled ‘Chops’. Both of us dove into our piles, sifting through the finest Belgian Chocolate, windsurfing stickers and other awesome swag, just like kids in a toy store.

Chops’ pile on the other hand contained a variety of dog biscuits, as well as some much needed dental treats.

Don’t Freak Out – Part 5

Chris and I then spent the next two hours navigating our way back into Baggage Claim and the Air France claims counter. Unlike most airports, the baggage claim area was back behind closed doors in the international arrival zone. At first a rather indignant information agent told us that we were too late and we should have made that claim back when we had collected our luggage from the belt. Luckily I was with Chris not only because he was able to translate and speak Spanish, but also because I probably would have strangled her. “Who the freak unpacks their luggage in the claims area to see if anything is broken???!!!!” I said in utter exasperation. “Come on. She is just being difficult. Let’s go upstairs and see if we can talk to an Air France agent directly”, he said gritting his teeth.

We did eventually talk with a ticket agent and she explained how to get back into the claims area where we would need to file a claim. So dragging the broken equipment (because the boom had also been severely warped in what ever event that had brought on my board’s demise) we eventually made our way back and found the correct office.  

In Barcelona, the airlines don’t have a direct office to handle these sorts of claims. They all go through a third party that simply takes down the information and then submits it to the appropriate airlines. When we took out the board to show our agent the damage, the wide eyes and whistles from the other agents near by as the curious gawked in fascination, made my heart sink once again.  Chris put a brotherly arm around me, “Don’t worry, honest, we’ll figure this out.”

Later that afternoon we finally checked into our hotel, the AC Hotel Gava Mar. The hotel was located right on the beach over looking the ocean, and off in the afternoon sun we saw windsurfers and kiters racing back and forth.  As tempted as we were to go out and join them the reality of being awake for the last 36 hours really started to set in.  So instead we opted for hot showers, a nice meal, and our beds.  

Don’t Freak Out – Part 4

Further Adventures of the Defi Diva

by Amber, aka Defi DivaKasbeer_gear_cart_cropped

“Holy crap! I can’t believe how long it took me to pack those boards!” I said in exasperation to Chris. He laughed, “Yeah it took me the better part of four hours yesterday. I kept having to run to the store for more noodles and tape. And then of course, I could only reliably use one side of my body for lifting and moving.”  Things were looking up though.  No locusts, or nuclear events stymied our trip to the airport, and Lou had successfully deposited us and our gear at Dulles International right in front of the Air France ticketing area. We engaged a couple of porters to help us with our boards and gear, and then Chris took his car to economy parking while our boards sat in front of the ticket agents attracting a myriad of attention from both the traveling public as well as the Air France staff. At the advice of Christine, we had prepaid for our excess luggage, with both Chris and I having to each shell out close to $1,100 round trip just to ship our two boards and sails. Sigh!  It is hard to be an unsponsored Diva…

Don’t Freak Out – Part 2

Further Adventures of the Defi Diva

by Amber, aka Defi Diva

Before we present the 2nd installment,  please practice saying Defi Diva with your best faux French accent…………

d’FEE dee-VAH! 

After a week of working intimately with her Montreal Air France connection, Paolo, Christine had us and our gear once again sorted out. It turned out that the aircraft scheduled for the second leg of our flight did not have enough space to transport both sets of windsurfing gear at the same time. So Chris and I were rebooked on separate flights between Paris and Barcelona. Luckily there are several flights so there was only to be a short 2 hours delay between us, and really, what is a mere two hours when traveling with friends to DEFI?  We were back on track.

I had learned a few lessons from my last foray into the winds of the Tramontain, and from the moment I bought my airplane tickets the previous fall I began thinking about what I would need to do to get my body and mind ready for what lay ahead. So the first thing I did was to book a week at Avon N.C. the week before we left for France. I wouldn’t be able to go with the BABA crowd this spring, because their week would over lap the week of the race but I was lucky enough to get Island Thunder, a pet friendly house with plenty of space to share.   It would once again give me a full week on the water to “break gear and put holes in my boards” ahead of time so I wouldn’t need to bother with that once I got to France.  Oh, and of course it gave me ample time to  practice those pesky things called jibes, which I would need to be able to do at least three times during each race…

In addition to just getting some sailing time under my belt, I needed to work on core, balance, and of course cardio.  Luckily, we were graced with a mild winter and my sailing season went longer than in previous years. But still, winter did eventually come, and my gear was packed and stowed for the couple of months of numbing temperatures.  So it was during those quiet dark months, that desperation set in and I realized that I needed to take drastic measures. I have been working with an awesome trainer for a few years now, Jessica, and in fact she was instrumental in helping to get me at least functional after my shoulder surgery for the last DEFI. So this time she was able to focus her efforts on my core and balance strength. But the cardio, was up to me…and I could not be motivated to run in 20 degree temperatures… I’ve done it in the past, but this time my body (or rather my mind and spirit) said, “Pound sand, I’m not doing it! It is too freakin cold and I hate cold!” Sigh…so I bit the bullet and went on Craig’s List and found some one selling their copy of Insanity.